
We only work with best in class managers.
Our managers are reputable, experienced, and have best in class returns.
We work with managers invested across many different strategies.

Selected managers have following criteria:
1. Company Assets under Management of at least $100 million.
2. Best in class performance of at least 10% since inception and over the last 3 years.
3. High Sharpe ratio.
4. Low historical performance drawdowns compared to their peer group.
5. Uncorrelated returns.
6. Independent fund administrator.

You are advised to seek independent professional advice as to the suitability or appropriateness of any products and their tax, accounting, legal or regulatory implications.

While investments can be profitable, they are also associated with risks. You could lose all or part of your initial investment.

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The content on this website is based on sources that are considered reliable. No guarantee is provided on its accuracy, correctness or completeness either express or implied. The information provided is purely of an indicative nature and is subject to change without notice at any time. The information provided does not confer any rights. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Results achieved in the past are no guarantee of future results. MGI B.V. and (possible) other providers of information to this website do not accept any responsibility for damage related to use of this website and the information presented, or damage related to inaccessibility of this website and the information presented. MGI B.V. also does not accept any responsibility for the content of off-site websites or any other website(s) linked or linking to this website.

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Interested in investing?

Contact us and let’s discuss the possibilities!